Romsey Park

7 Aug 2020 by Polly Oliver

Romsey Park is situated in the foothills of the Macedon Ranges in Victoria. A beautiful purpose built property with excellent facilities and Terry & Greg pride themselves on educating and producing show horses from newcomers to National Champions. All of the Romsey Park Show team proudly use County Saddles. We share the following words of encouragement from our Sponsored Team doing it tuff as Victoria is declared ‘State of Disaster’

‘With Victoria being put into a ‘State of Disaster’ it comes as no surprise as one of our favourite shows the EA Nationals has to be postponed.

I for one was hanging on to a tiny bit of hope, along with our clients and other qualified competitors for events to be held. This is not the end, we need to stick together as an equestrian community and look to the future. With boarders shut and interstate travel on hold it’s up to us within our States to continue to support each other and keep our sport alive.

It’s fantastic to see other states having competitions and I’m sure when the time right we will be able to start competing again in Victoria too. So please get behind and support any organisations within your state that are working hard to run competitions. This isn’t the time to drop our training and motivation – we have time to work towards our goals.

It hurts me when I read it’s all about the ribbon – NO it’s NOT – we compete in a sport that we love and we work hard and the ribbon is a reward for our effort. Keep safe everyone and let’s work together.

Also please take the time to check in on your friends and family and fellow equestrians and ask R U OK??

Terry Vanheythuysen & Greg Mickhan

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